All ranking lists are weekly-based. That means that the weekly ranking score for every player is based on the previous weeks scores. Typically, the ranking score is an average of the 10 best scores up to 26 weeks back in time. Those values (10 and 26) are possible to change by the creator of the course (ranking list). On the Create Course page the value 10 is named Score Count and the value 26 is named Valid Weeks.
If the Score Count value is 10 and a user has less than 10 scores posted, the lack of scores that are needed for calculation the ranking score are replaced with values named Missing Score. A value of a Missing Score is typically 90 for a 18-hole course and 45 for a 9-hole course. Note that this value should be set to a value that is unfavourable for members with less than 10 scores posted (predicted a Score Count of 10). The Missing Score value is also possible to change by the creator of the course (Admin).
A ranking list (course) can have following access levels: Public, Protected and Private. Public means that everyone can see the ranking list and join it without problems. Protected means that the ranking list is visible for the public but you cannot join the list without sending a request to the Administrator. Private means that the list is only visible for the members of the list. You must also send a request to join the list.